
This scene shows the interior of the Mandan lodge that was the home of Dipauch, an old and respected man who told Maximilian much about the history and beliefs of his people. Portions of the picture were sketched over a period of several months at Mih-Tutta-Hang-Kusch from early December, 1833, until mid-April of the following year.

Interior of a Mandan Earth Lodge

People from surrounding settlements congregated in New Harmony on the morning of November 5, 1832, to vote for the next president of the United States. Many came on foot or in wagons, but the majority arrived on horseback, according to Maximilian, who faithfully recorded the event in his journal. Although dated simply "Nov. 1832, 11 Bodmer's pencil sketch of a backwoods couple on horseback may have been made this same day.

Backwoods Man and Woman on Horseback