May 21, 1832

21 May: Good weather but contrary wind; latitude 50°8', longitude 2°45'. We tack. This morning the foredeck is being swabbed. A Dutch ship sails past. The Janus is a brig of 170 tons, built in Plymouth near Boston, very durable and sound.M1Lengthwise the Janus measures 41 to 42 of my paces, and in width, at the mainmast, 9 to 10 of my paces. Mr. Hoboken must have considered us easy to please since he selected this ship for us. Cabin small, no windows aft, six bunks. Capt. Robbins is a native of Plymouth; the second is Master Gooden; the steward and cook, a mulatto; five sailors in addition. In the evening, strong wind; we do not see land.

Monday, May 21, 1832
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