June 29, 1832

29 June: After midnight the wind grew stronger and at four and six o’clock was severe. Several sails were taken in, and the fore-topsail was given two reefs. At six o’clock the wind again subsided and shifted a little more to the north, that is, wind northwest. Consequently, they immediately steered a little more toward the west, but the ship made slow progress, since the sea surged very high against us. At eight o’clock, temperature of the air 8°R [50°F, 10°C], of the water 7 1/2°R [48.9°F, 9.4°C]. The reefs of the fore-topsail were again let out, and we steered west-southwest.

A large quantity of floating Fucus, all of which has a very yellow color. Without [Page 1:19]exception, it seems to belong to the species vesiculosus. Floating grass, too. Several Procellaria pelagica follow the ship. We will soon be opposite Cape Sable, the southwestern point of Nova Scotia, beyond which opens the great Bay of Fundy, from which most of these marine plants are said to come, since they grow there in large quantities. Since our ship rolled and tossed greatly during the night and the sea often dealt it blows like shots from a cannon, Mr. Bodmer slept not a single moment. At nine thirty a large ash-gray bird passes by, probably a young gannet (Sula alba); later another one, like a gull, ash-gray with extremely narrow wings.

At noon, very complete observation of the sun: latitude 43°3' north, longitude 65°27' west. Temperature of the air at twelve o’clock 8 1/2°R [51.1°F, 10.6°C], of the seawater 8 1/3°R [50.8°F, 10.4°C], with bright, unclouded sunshine. This cooling comes from the northwest wind and, in the case of the water, partly from the banks. We are now directly southwest of St. George’s Bank and not very far from it. The southwest tip of Nova Scotia, Cape Sable, now lies north of us. Since noon yesterday we have made the following tacks: first, south by east 12 miles; second, south 23 miles; third, south-southwest 1/2 west 18 miles; fourth, southwest 1/2 west 38 miles; fifth, southwest by south 16 miles. After twelve o’clock the lead is tossed out, but it does not touch bottom.

At lunch today we had no more wine. Forty-three bottles have been emptied, but we still do not see the harbor. We made up for this lack as best we could (since the gin, too, could no longer be used) with a beverage mixed from water, vinegar, and molasses, which is heavily consumed in America when cider or apple wine is lacking. In the afternoon, very nice; clear weather; brisk wind and very pronounced swell of the sea, which here, however, is said to arise particularly from the significant tides of these waters. The ship was turned when the lead was tossed out; thus we are again moving away from St. George’s Bank.

Today various objects on the ship, such as water casks and the like, are being painted. Some of the sailors work on the ropes, where there is always much in need of repair, as there is on the entire rigging. We observe much Fucus, including a kind with very wide, thin-stemmed blades, similar to saccharatus. A few Procellaria pelagica accompany us and inspect an old meat cask, which was thrown into the sea. It is pleasant to watch these birds tread water while beating their wings. Very beautiful but cool in the evening. The sun sets in a somewhat clouded sky and with an evening glow. In the cool of the evening at about seven o’clock, temperature of the air 7 1/4°R [48.5°F, 9.2°C], of the water 6 1/2°R [46.7°F, 8.1°C]. During the night, little wind; after midnight, calm.

Friday, June 29, 1832
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