June 13, 1832

13 June: The night was beautiful, but little wind. Toward daybreak, a brisk wind from the south. The ship runs at 6 knots. Sea has some swell, lead-gray with white foam. At nine o’clock the wind becomes more westerly, very dark threatening sky in the west, wind very brisk. The studding sails are taken in. This afternoon at three o’clock, the full moon reached its highest point. Therefore, with the waning moon, we hope for better weather.

Shortly before 11 o’clock, the wind turns into a gale; it grows stronger and stronger. [Page 1:11]Torrential rain and storm from the south, later from the west, last all day. Sea terribly wild; it washes over the ship. Whoever comes on deck is drenched. The sea pours right into the cabin whenever the hatch cover above the steps is opened even for a moment. Almost all the sails are taken in; but the ship is tossed about and groans and creaks terribly. The only way to endure this miserable time is to remain on the bed. The night was very stormy; I did not sleep at all, nor did my traveling companions. The ship suffered terrible blows. When the sea strikes the deck and one is inside the cabin, one hears a thunderous crash. Latitude 42°20' north, longitude 41°50' west.

Wednesday, June 13, 1832
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Charlotte Spires