June 1, 1832

1 June: Weather a little better. We hail an American three-master.M4Ship Julian of Duxbury. Nice view of the [Page 1:7]rocking ship. Toward evening, torrential rain and storm again. With the sea rolling toward us like high mountains, we plunge from crest to trough. With only two small storm sails, the ship groans and labors vigorously. We seem to be sailing in a deep valley and cannot see even 80 paces. The waves break violently against the ship, and whoever ventures on deck is thoroughly drenched.M5The entire surface of the frightfully seething ocean was lashed and rent into foam and spray. The sight is dreadful but terribly beautiful! I had never seen anything like this; not even on the entire Brazilian voyage did we have a taste of this. In this respect the Atlantic Ocean is far worse than the more southerly seas. The sailors are continually drenched. No observation possible. We lie in bed mostly; for several nights have not slept; cannot stand on our feet in the foul-smelling, crowded cabin. Five persons are housed here. We feel very miserable and sick in this dismal captivity. During the night many ropes break. The sailors work terribly hard. Every evening I gave them some Genever (gin), of which they are very fond. Two sailors are sick from the wetness. At noon, latitude 47°24', longitude 20°56' west.

Friday, June 1, 1832
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Charlotte Spires